I didn’t post all this week…still crazy from the holiday, and so much going on personally and at work. So I thought I’d pop in on this bright and beautiful Saturday morning, the very first day of December.
There were alot of GRATITUDE posts floating around Facebook in November, everyone posting days of what they were thankful for. November was all about thankfulness, as it should be. We should stop and take notice of our blessings…we tend to spend way too much time complaining about what we lack. So November was a great time to take stock and see things right side up.
December, to me, is about memories. About all the traditions we had growing up, big and little. Smells and sounds and tastes and tactile memories that define the month of December and Christmas. So I’m going to do a little daily memory log this month, sharing my memories with you. And hopefully it will trigger some of your own, and you’ll share yours!
Today, Day #1, is the smell and feel of cold air, drinking hot spiced tea on the old brick porch with my mom.
Enjoy your memories!
Love this post, Sharla. Here’s one of my memories. The taste and feel of honey on my tongue that my great-grandfather fed me by the spoonful.
Memories – Hanging our homemade Christmas stockings on Thanksgiving Day night. This was the official beginning of the Christmas holiday season for our family on a cattle ranch in the blue hills of Kansas – all those years ago. My mother’s birthday was in December and she elected to celebrate all month long by devoting her birthday by celebrating the joy of the season. My brothers and our families, our children and their families, and now our grandchildren and their families all still hang Christmas stockings on Thanksgiving Day night. It is after all a holiday tradition.