These are my heathens. 🙂 Up front is Demi, i.e. “Buffalo” and bringing up the rear about to tackle her for the attention she feels she needs 24/7 is Gracie, i.e. “The Beast”. Or “Flailing Mouth” as we’ve dubbed her indian name.
They are watching me work on my newsletter today, because it’s exciting like that. And….I think Gracie just ate something she shouldn’t….like fur off the tennis ball that she keeps pulling off….because she was chewing something and stopped when I gave her the eye. Like a little kid caught doing something wrong. Yep…..there’s the green fur.
So…I digress. Have you signed up for my newsletter? It is going out this week, with a TON of info on FREE BOOKS coming your way. Did you catch that? Free. Giveaways galore, a chance to read my new book before it’s out, and help me out along the way! So if you aren’t already on the distro, the link is right here, just click and fill out the quicky little form, and you’re good to go. I only send it out when there’s something to say, and I’ll never spam you. Pinky swear.
So what are you doing with your Sunday?
Waiting for your new book. Would love to have mine signed & numbered,,,,,LOL
Love always,,,
ps,,time for another visit with Book Club Babes