I’ve been very lax of late on my blogging, and I apologize. Deep, scraping bow kind of apologize. Everything is about to explode in my world–in a good way–but explosions nonetheless.
But first I want to put a shout out for my Off The Beaten Path blog feature tomorrow! This month I have RWA-WF chapter’s very own Pam Morsi! SO excited, and you will love her wit and charm. She’s giving away a signed copy of her latest book THE LOVESICK CURE to a random commenter, so be sure to come play with us!!
JUST ONE DAY, my first time writing a novella, started with Nook First last week, which runs for 30 days before it goes out to the rest of the big bad world. In three days, it hit #4 on Barnes & Noble Nook Books Bestseller list, and this week it’s holding steady in the 20’s, so if you didn’t hear me scream, suffice it to say there was noise. It made me an official National Bestselling Author, which is mega-cool to stick by my name. 🙂 And it kicked off more sales for my first and upcoming books, which is even better.
Speaking of upcoming….. BEFORE AND EVER SINCE is a month away! You know there’s a hot carpenter guy in it, right? He can come to your house. You can preorder him here. And here. And probably other places too, but you get the point. 🙂
And….something I’m jumping up and down about today. You know who Kathryn Stockett is, right? (ducking as you throw things) Yeah….we ALL know who she is. We all want to BE her. And I get to sign books with her!!!!!!!! Okay not like–sitting next to her, being her BFF or anything (although I would love to be her bff, and send funny text msgs back and forth) but signing at the same event!
I was chosen for the John Cooper School’s annual Signature Author Series event in The Woodlands, TX (Houston area) as one of about 10 authors to do a book signing event. Kathryn Stockett is the keynote speaker, and she’s bringing the director of THE HELP movie with her. There’s a big luncheon, and video presentation of all the authors, and massive publicity. And….it’s three days after BEFORE AND EVER SINCE comes out….so hello…great timing!
So so so so excited about that. If you are in the Houston area on November 9th, this is an event to put on your calendar!
Okayyyyyyyy….I think that about covers things for right now. Oh, and I wrote a 4 page synopsis last night in an hour…which could mean that the world really is ending in a couple of months. Or just that angels rained down good juu juu on me for once. 🙂
Everyone have a fabulous day, and come back tomorrow to talk to Pam!!
Yeah for all the good news, Sharla. I can’t wait to read your new novel.