Today I want to talk about meat.
My daughter and I were talking about whether we, at this point in our lives, could become vegetarians. See, I’ve never been one that had to have meat with every meal. Don’t gasp and throw your hands up, you carnivores out there. I do love a good steak here and there.
I’m from the south so fried chicken is a staple.
And a big juicy burger is one of my favorite foods.
But before I met my now husband, my daughter and I lived on mostly pasta, veggies, and turkey, with the occasional chicken and ground beef. Very occasional. He and his son lived on mostly meat with an occasional vegetable. Very occasional.
When we blended our two families, it began to meld. He and his son learned to appreciate a green bean. I, in turn, learned to come up with a meat dish every night.
Every night.
So what are your feelings on the subject? I think I could be a vegetarian…as long as I could take a sabbatical once a year…like a weekend of burgers…but the rest of the time I think I could do it. 🙂
I don’t think I could go that far, but I do find as I get older, I’m eating less meat. I’d rather have nuts, or legumes. Maybe if you exempted poultry from the carnivore category, I’d apply.
But the only way you’re getting my bread by prying it out of my cold, dead fingers.
I don’t eat as much meat as I used to, but I still love it. I could exist on extra-rare ribeye steaks – if they weren’t so expensive.
Sharla … I think the desire for the “meat” of it all does fade with some as they … yikes … age? I am a lover of fish and chicken and rarely eat red meats. Grew up on fish and vegies but also pasta and Italian bread. Sooner or later we have to curb some of the fat from our diets. Good luck with preparing that much of the stuff … you are a better woman than most 🙂
The thought of giving up prime rib or a juicy cheeseburger just makes me want to cry. While I know I’d be healthier as a vegetarian, I’d rather die happier, sooner.