My daughter and I got to talking this week about what her kids will call me and my husband.
Now–just for the record–she’s seventeen and this is all just for curiosity’s sake. LOL. We aren’t worrying our little heads about this anytime soon. But it made for a fun conversation. My grandparents growing up were Paw Paw and Nanny on one side, and Maw Maw on the other (never knew that grandfather). My parents were Nana and Paw Paw for their grandchildren, but I don’t remember if the “Nana” was intentional, or if the first grandchild named her.
My daughter’s father is from the Midwest, and they very much just do Grandma and Grandpa with last names to designate the family. But my now-husband is from the south like me, and his parents go by Granny and Pop.
So–basically, I plan to go by Nana, since that’s what my Mom did. And he plans to go by Pop, since that’s what his Dad did. My daughter’s dad will likely go by Grandpa, and his new wife will most likely go by whatever she grew up with.
Or the first kid will come out saying Nooney and Pickle, and that’s what we’ll forever be. 🙂
What did/do you call your grandparents, and how is the naming done in your family?
my kid’s grandparents have all divorced and re-married, making her have many grandparents. And, of course, none of them wants to be called the same as the other. HA! I’m pretty sure all of the women chose the grandparently name (and no so grandparently name) that they wanted to be called, and the men’s names were chosen by their wives. I think that I want to be called Granny or MawMaw, after my two grandmothers… but not for a REALLY long time. 😉
Well I’ve always called my Grandparents… Granma and Granpa no D’s in the pronunciation… and even though I’m in TX… there’s no paw sound. When I was pregnant at 20 my Mom and I talked about what she’d be called… we went with Oma… because one… we’re German and all Oma means is Grandma… two cause Mom said she was too young to be called Grandma! Lol it stuck… my Aunt and Uncle decided to follow… they are Oma and Opa to their Grandkids…
We also have the foreign language advantage! My parents are “Grandma” and “Grandpa”, my husband’s parents are “Yiayia” and “Papou” (Greek). I grew up with only grandmothers, so they were Grandma Rose and Grandma Kay.