Just in case you aren’t sick of hearing about this yet…. look what came yesterday.
So. Much. Squealing.
And then I sat down to start signing the obligatory family/friend copies….you know, the ones who will give you the raised eyebrow if they don’t get a free copy because they’ve seen you looking like Swamp Girl or brought you comfort food when you were sick. The ones you’d feel like a tool if you didn’t, because they’ve listened to you babble about this book for a year…lol!
And that was weird. Signing. So so so weird.
On another note, I’m at Dawn Alexander’s blog today, talking about the publishing journey and what I didn’t know then…and probably still dont…lol. Come visit!
They’re all lovely! So what words of wisdom did you use for the singed copies?
LOL no wisdom! Just something personal and ‘hope you enjoy!’ 🙂