In the course of my day so far today, at work at my day job and worrying about editor revisions for book one and new ideas for book two and the workout program we have to do tonight and whether my daughter is keeping up with her homework and whether we have milk and what we need to do before the parade I just found out is this weekend since my daughter didn’t inform me… (stopping to inhale…..) I’ve come to realize something important.
I need to be rich.
I mean, not the filthy stinking buy-diamond-encrusted-dog-bowls kind of rich, but the kind of rich that warrants the following:
- Quitting my day job—-do I really need to explain? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
- A maid—-because with my full time job and after work responsibilities, there is not enough of me to write AND do laundry AND clean the house. And I’m tired of the dirt and the clutter.
- A cook—-same reason as above…and they would then clean the stovetop or delegate to said maid.
- A personal shopper—-ditto ditto ditto…and maybe between this person and the cook, my family and I would stand half a chance to eat something healthy and not in a box.
- An office—-granted I sort of semi-have one. See Women Unplugged post here for details on that. But I’m talking about a real one. With an airtight/noiseproof seal and a keypad that only I can unlock so I can shut myself in there.
- A personal trainer—-so I can stay in shape when I actually make it out of that awesome office.
That’s the kind of rich I’m talking about. I’d be satisfied with that! I mean, I’m not talking about needing a cluster of clones…which would be cool too, but that would be getting greedy. And maybe a little creepy. And possibly confusing for my husband.
But the little band of helpers I’m asking for? Especially the MAID? Oh my goodness, I could handle that.
So….if you were suddenly rich, what kind of rich would you want? And what would you do with it?
I’d love to have enough money so that I could have a house ANYWHERE I wanted and a barn for my horse and a ton of pasture and land so I could ride him. This place would be far enough away from other houses that I wouldn’t hear my neighbor’s cough and yet I’d be able to drive maybe a 1/2 hour to a mall . And my husband wouldn’t have to work and I could write to my heart’s content and my kids could do whatever and I could afford to send them to whatever colleges they wanted to go to, or not. That’s all.
Is that too much to ask?
not at all!! I love to see how it makes people think!
Pay off all our debts from college, make sure everyone in the house has a complete wardrobe with no stains or rips, put money into savings for college for the kids, mix the van, fix the house we’re renting out (new carpet and paint) and sell it, and then maybe something else.
I don’t know how I’d feel about a maid. It’s awkward for me to have someone else in the house cleaning for me. I feel lazy. And I like to cook. But a personal shopper who delivers groceries and a gardener? Those I could use. I’d love getting a massage once a week too. Maybe a maid… maybe…
It’s not that life is bad, but having all the student loans paid off would mean have so much more free money!
lol Liana, my husband shares your view on maids, which is why I still don’t have one.
I’d move every couple years to a new state or a new country so I could discover their respective nuances and give my characters some really great places to live. And I’d learn to play the cello.