Couple of things…
My first newsletter will be going out on April 3rd, the day REASON hits shelves. It’s going to talk about lots of good juicy stuff…like free books and giveaways and secret contests that only people on my mailing list will get the skinny on!
So come sign up! It’s free…it’s only once a month…and it comes floating in effortlessly (I hope) to your inbox with no work on your part.
Click here to do the deed. I’ll love you forever if you do. I might even send you candy…you never know with me. 😉
ALSO! It’s mid-week and you need to go enter your little comfort food doo-diddy to enter for the Amazon or B&N gift cards! Did you forget? Go!
You have two important things to do, so go take care of business! 🙂
Hey Sharla … just hanging out here till the candy arrives at my door. Have a good looking delivery guy bring it, will you? 🙂
I will be all over that, lady!!! 🙂
Wondering why I’ve never received any follow-up from you on my submission for a book to be shown on Shameless Saturday? As I understood it, after the first installment of info on a book, you would contact authors to get the rest with a copy of the book cover….
Kaye Wilson Klem
Kaye, I’ve searched all the Saturdays and can’t find any history of a submission from you on any Saturdays in the Shameless Saturday post comments. Maybe I’m missing it? If so, I apologize. The idea will probably resurface late next month, it kind of fizzled out with responses, and now everything is a little crazy. I’ll post something in a month or so announcing its come-back.