It’s 2012. Can you believe it? And no, I don’t believe that we’re all going to disappear in December just because the Mayans predicted it. My theory is that they had to stop somewhere, and it could have just as easily been 2020 or 2018. So, that being said, I’m counting on a full year of productivity and life and the chaos that is my world.
Last time I posted about goals for the year, but I think that’s too big. Back in the RWAWF group I’m in, the PRO liaison is accounting for monthly goals instead. Yanno…baby steps. I think that’s so much easier to visualize and reach. We can have a grand plan for the year, but checking in monthly not only is more user friendly, but also keeps us from pushing everything out to the end and having this monstrosity of a goal to reach. Not cool.
I’ve been voted in my RWAWF chapter as PAN Liaison for the year of 2012. Which at first I admit I thought they were crazy for nominating me. Because I’m a new PAN’er–my book deal just happened in June, my actual release isn’t for three months still, I’m still navagating these unfamiliar hallways of being published. I’m still SOOOOO green. But then I started thinking…maybe that can be a new perspective on it. Instead of from the wise experienced published author–which we have as well with our “Wise Woman” Pam Morsi, what about from the newbie who is finding these things out as she goes? There are many of us like that–frantically searching for answers or the magic decoder ring that everyone seems to have but you? Yeah, that’s me. Maybe I can shed some light on that perspective? Not a fancy light, with bling around it or anything…just an ordinary flashlight with Energizer Bunny batteries.
Because while there are mountains of info and how-to’s on the pre-publication side of the door, it seems like once you make it through that door you are just supposed to know everything. The info gets vague, and it’s a little scary! So maybe we can wander around together, because we have goals, too.
So…for January…my main goal is to finish Book Two, which I aim to do by Jan 15. My deadline is Feb 1, so you can see that’s not alot of wiggle room. I also need to write a newsletter article for RWAWF, and I start weekly meetings on Jan 9 for a spiritual retreat I’m on team for. I also work full time, so that deadline is really all I can commit to this month, and I will do it.
What are your goals for just this first month of the new year? Keep it real and reachable. Tell me.
Laura Drake says
Sharla, That’s exactly why you’ll make a great PAN Liasion – because you’re new, enthusiastic, and not afraid to ask questions! I shudder to think how many people just sit back, afraid to ask…think how much you’ll be helping them!
Thank you for your generous service…we’ll all be better for it!
Jan Taylor (@Janet_B_Taylor) says
Well— My first goal is to keep up with old friends a WHOLE lot better. *smile*
So- I am starting with you. I cannot WAIT for your book to come out and hope it’s just the beginning for you!
ps- DFWcon countdown- 5 mos.